Overview :
Buy Kamachi TMT Steel Bars Fe 500 online at Asthivaram in Karaikudi. Get best TMT bar price in Karaikudi per bundle as our rates are updated daily so that you get the latest market TMT Steel price. We would like to help you to make the best buying decision and hence we have made TMT Steel buying guide so as to guide you how to buy TMT bar, how to test the quality, types of steel Bar and storage. You can also calculate the quantity of TMT Steel required per kg or bundle using our TMT Calculator. Given below is a brief overview of the brand, product and some of its features.
Product details:
High-speed Latest Technology TMT Grade Fe-500
, Fe-550, Fe-500D has the best strength with better corrosion resistance, better bond strength with cement, fire resistance, excellent ductility, higher fatigue strength, easy workability at site, better results than BIS standards and savings of 14-19% steel thus reducing construction costs. TMT bars are used in the construction of bridges, flyovers, dams, thermal and hydel power plants, industrial structures, high-rise buildings, etc.
Company details:
The kamachi Group with a turnover of INR 2500 crores has experience in steel Trading for over 35 years and steel manufacturing for over a decade.
Product images are used for reference purpose only. Actual products may differ slightly in appearance and colour due to lighting during photo shooting or monitor’s display.
Specification: Kamachi TMT Steel Bars Fe 500
Weight | 1 kg |
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